How does it feel to even imagine getting a relaxing and calming foot massage at the end of a tiresome day? Feels like paradise, isn’t it? It certainly is. One looks forward to a relaxing position, some comforting massages at least once in a while. With a foot massage machine, you can have both every day.
Your job might be of a teacher, a worker in the factory, a civil engineer, or anyone for that matter. Standing all day long or even sitting for long hours takes a toll on your feet and legs. This is when the foot roller massage comes in handy for the folks. After a long day’s tiring work, when in your late 20s and 30s, who would not fantasize getting a receiving foot massage?
Here are some techniques to help you relieve tiredness and pain:
Warm up twists:
You can start with the basic warm up twists of the feet. These are the best and fundamentally say to get started with a foot massage.
Here is how you should do it:

- Place palms on either side of your foot.
- Gently, push one side forward, while pulling the other one backward. This makes a twist
- Now oppositely do the same. Push the previous side backward and another one forwards.
- Repeat this twisting motion and relieve the strain off of your feet and ankles.
Arch rub:
Another exercise or massaging technique that’s helpful along the way is the arch rub. Here is how you can perform it:

- Hold the bottom of the foot with one hand
- Now you rub the arch with the fingers of the other hand.
- Follow this motion from heel to the ball of the foot.
The toe bends:
These are apt for increasing flexibility of the foot. Here is the right way to do toe bends:

- Hold the heel of your foot in one hand
- Now, simultaneously, you bend all the toes of the same foot back and forth repeatedly
- Repeat the motion gently, as it may cause spasms. Gently push the toes back and forth to the extremes to relieve stress.
Foot spread:
This one is really basic and interesting. Your wet often gets clenched up in shoes all day long. Once back home, you must perform the foot spread to expand your feet to their natural width. To accurately perform this technique, follow these steps:

- Hold each side of your feet and pull them outwards.
- It is as simple as that. Now you just repeat the motion to spread it further.
Heel squeeze:
Ever experienced the heavenly heel squeeze after a long, tiring day? This is exactly what it is about. The back area of your feet too needs the stress reliever. Thus, to make it happen, perform these heel squeezes on both feet:

- Hold your foot from the top, and back of the heel in another hand.
- Now, gently squeeze the heel and release it in a regular, contrasting motion. This helps relieve the tension at the backward area of the foot.
Knuckle or fist:
This way is essentially practiced, relieving stress at the bottom of the feet.

- Hold the backside of your foot with one hand.
- Now make a fist, or hold the knuckles of the other hand against the bottom of this foot.
- With the first or knuckles, you now kneed the bottom of your feet gently to massage it.
- Repeating this notion will make sure your feet are realized extensively.
Thumb work:
Again, this one is to benefit the bottom of the foot.

- Hold your foot with a hand placed on either side of the foot.
- Place your fingers on the top side of the foot.
- You thus now go under the foot along with the toe pads.
- Use your thumbs to gently stroke down and massage each toe with intermediate pressure.
- Move to the ball gradually and repeat the stroke motion
- Report the same on the arch as well. Continue for as long as you like.
Pressure Points:
Another amazing technique of foot massage is massaging the pressure points. The foot massage pressure points method is a popular and preferred one.

- The foot is to be supported from the top with one hand.
- Use your thumb to release the pressure from the top of the instep.
- Slowly, move toward the down of your instep while pressing it.
- Continue pressing and releasing along the foot.
Foot massage is essential to relieve the excessive pain and tension off your feet. Once you get the knack of a lot of these techniques, every night is going to be a paradise and every night’s sleep is going to be good.
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